Gaps in DevOpsSec Part 2
In my previous article, I briefly went over some of the default security testing options available in existing DevOps deployment tools. In this article, I will cover what can reasonably be included in the DevOps pipeline, and a few caveats faced by security engineers who are trying to add security testing into a fully automated deployment pipeline.
The fact that security scanning can take time is just the tip of the iceberg. What must be remembered, is that no amount of automated scanning will catch every security vulnerability. Ultimately a professional penetration tester will still need to manually perform tests of their own. The trick with automated testing therefore, is to perform enough testing to account for the "low hanging fruit", but also complete the scan in "reasonable" time. While 4-5 minutes per scan may still sound unreasonable to the automation engineers, 10 minutes or more per scan will certainly be a test of their character.
The goal here is to use the APIs of security scanning tools to provide a degree of confidence in the code being deployed to production, until such time as a penetration tester can conduct a more thorough scrutiny of application. It is up to the security engineers to review scan results, identify false positives, and assist the development teams with urgently fixing any identified vulnerabilities.
There are a number of ways that we can achieve our needs, given the features that automation tooling provide. The first approach automation engineers may suggest, is to build a recipe/playbook to act as an orchestration point to trigger scans on whichever server the recipe/playbook is run from. This would work, but some crafty design decisions need to be made with respect to how to make the script generic enough to work everywhere, and the waiting and post processing of results can become tricky.
For option two we could try webhooks from the configuration manager itself. This too would work, but may require a few "hacks" to get this working well, and if you are doing multiple deployments at once, this method may be prone to a lot of confusion and ultimate failure.
Option three would be to use something like a Bag-of-holding(OWASP) to provide an abstraction layer which manages security activities. This way, the pipeline will delegate security to the orchestration service. Depending on the design of this option, you could pre-install all tools on a server or virtual machine, or simply use containers(Docker). The Bag-of-holding can cater for all scanning, polling for completion, and making sense of the results.
Now that we have some options, lets look at what we might want to do with our security tools.
Network scan
To start with, we can run a simple network scan to scan the application server itself, which would have just been built from scratch by the configuration manager. Any changes to a recipe/playbook could result in a change in configuration that can leave the application server exposed. A basic network scan by a tool like Tenable's Nessus should do the trick. Nessus has a very nice API, and with a little pre-work, a generic scan template can be set up and re-used by all deployments.
Application scan
Next up we have an application scan. This one is tricky, because this is usually done manually by clicking through the application. OWASP ZAP or Portswigger's Burp would be options here. The idea is to probe the actual application for any obvious vulnerabilities. However, both ZAP and Burp have APIs available through which a decent amount of coverage can be achieved. Be warned though, that ZAP and Burp were designed to be used manually. Their APIs are crude, but they work. Don't expect any vast improvements to these APIs, either.
This scan can really run away with time if you have not tuned it correctly. At a minimum, you would want to run a spider, an active scan, and a passive scan. There are tuning guides available for both ZAP and Burp. If you are using ZAP, stopping by the OWASP Slack channel will do you some good(they can be quite helpful). In addition, the ZAP team have put together a "baseline" scan, which should give you reasonable coverage in a short time(ZAP Baseline scan).
For bonus points, you might like to run your development teams' functional tests(done with automated testing tools such as Selenium) directly through the proxy.
Compliance scan
Lastly, we can run some scans to satisfy our governance friends. Having an application server consistently, and provably compliant, has a lot of perks. To do this, you would need to decide on what your application server needs to comply to(e.g. CIS benchmarks, NIST, COBIT, etc), and then have a battery of tests to check. Ideally, during the rebuild of the application server, the configuration manager would have configured everything for compliance. The compliance tests are just for verification. Luckily, there are plenty of existing recipes/playbooks to help with this. For example, The hardening framework, CIS Ansible playbooks for CentOS/RHEL.
...and then?
Up till this point, we have launched various scans to cover different areas of the application server. These scans will invariably run till completion, and then as it stands, nothing further will happen. We have now come across a major problem: We have run our scans, but our continuous deployment tools have carried on without the results. While the deployment can be halted to wait for scans not being run directly from the deployment tool, something else needs to happen in order to proceed.
We have three sets of scan results(still in their respective scanner databases), each with potentially different severity report formats. These severities have also been determined by a third party, and may not correspond to your organisations interpretation of risk. So now the task of retrieving the results, parsing them, and making a decision about allowing the deployment to proceed or not, needs to be made. For this, something like Etsy's 411 security alerting framework would be useful. The framework would generate alerts, and based on the alert, the deployment tool may be notified to proceed or abort the deployment(this may sound easy, but I am not currently aware of any available hook on any CD tool that has this kind of functionality, natively).
Whether the deployment proceeds or not, any potential bug should be automatically added to an API-enabled issue tracking software such as Atlassian's Jira. The security engineers can then review the issues, and either declare them as false positives, or re-assign the issue to the relevant development manager for fixing.
On that note, any false positives need to be recorded in a central repository. Ideally, you would try and filter out the known false positives from being added onto the issue tracker, to prevent the re-work of again declaring the issue as a false positive.
In closing
As you can see, there are ways to include automated security scans into a continuous delivery pipeline, but any experienced security engineer or developer will know that it wont be trivially easy. The important thing is that you work out what is best for you and your organisation. However deciding that it either can't be done, or is too difficult, will potentially expose your organisation to attack should you proceed with production deployments that have not been tested.
I hope this has been an interesting read. Feel free to share this post with your friends 🙂